Lemon-Scented Justice

A Brief Timeline in Reverse Chronological Order

Art of Poetry Art
October 2019

The Art of Poetry, Pt. 1
George González

14 songs in 14 days. 09/17/2019-10/01/2019. Made in GarageBand with stock sounds and no midi controller.

giant's causeway art
June 2019

The Giant's Causeway
Stephen Black & George González

In 2018, we traveled to the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland and heard the legend that gives the place its name. The story has giants, hubris, disguises, marital strife, and a lot of other things that are fun to write about. While still at the causeway, we used our phones to gather sounds that we later chopped into beats (rocks splashing, shells breaking, seaweed slapping, etc.) and then built songs on top that tell the story.